Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sometimes I wanna tell you that you don't understand where I'm at right now, when really I'm the one who doesn't understand it but you do because you have been exactly where I'm at. Well pretty close at least. But when I vent to you and ask for a response you gotta remember I'm where you were when it didn't make sense to you so you gotta drop back a couple years when we talk. Instead of expecting me to completely understand and agree with you and be as mature about it as you are now. Because you weren't always like this. Sometimes I think you forget how old I actually am because you always thought I was more mature than other people my age. That may be true but not matter how much more mature I am than anyone I'm still a seventeen year old girl. My Point: when I vent remember how you felt and how you were when stuff was a little less than perfect in your life and remember that no one ever tells anywhere close to the good things in life compared to how much bad that they reveal. So even though I may complain a lot doesn't mean that I'm not thankful for all that I do have.

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